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Your Posture Sucks. You Know It, I Know It.

Let's Fix It.

This book will help YOU realize that YOU hold the power to turn back the clock and reach new levels of wellness and liveability. Written with the beginner in mind, these tactics can and should also be utilized by fitness professionals as well

You're Right. Let's Get To Work (Get E-Book)

What Will We Cover?

Who are we?

Apex Posture is the culmination of our personal struggles, formal schooling in kinesiology, years in the industry, opportunity and a deep passion to help people get out of pain, and to reach a higher level of overall wellness regualr folks hadn’t thought possible

What is posture?

It is the position of your body whether still (static) or moving (dynamic). Posture can be good or bad. Good posture will decrease the amount of wear and tear put upon the joints in your body, whereas bad posture will increase the wear and tear upon them.

Time for a mental reframing

Instagram fitness stars and muscle/fitness magazines probably aren't your best choices of inspiration for long term function.

"I'm in pain but my posture is fine"

Pain shouldn't just be attributed to the aging process, rather it's what you're doing to solve the root cause of that pain.

Meet The Authors

Brieanne Phillips
Matthew Aron

Admittedly we are coaches first, and writers/editors somewhere after that. We wanted to get this info out quickly and affordably. Therfore the aesthetics and flow of the guide may not be on par with other products within the health & wellness realm. However, we feel strongly that the info found in this guide is extremely powerful and potentially life-changing. 

Your Posture Sucks.

You know it, we know it. Let's fix it.

Gain helpful insight as to why you and a vast majority of the population are dealing with nagging pains on a daily basis. This book will help YOU realize that YOU hold the power to turn back the clock and reach new levels of wellness and liveability. We wrote this book with the beginner in mind, but these tactics can and should be utilized by fitness professionals as well. The contents will show you how to get from a place of low function and/or pain, to a place where everyday movements aren’t given a second thought. Then keep on improving so you can open new doors to live life to its fullest.  Step outside your comfort zone, and take your health and wellness back into your own hands. Give your body the tools it needs to heal itself and reach bounds you never thought possible. Avoid silly posture gadgets, pills, shots, weekly chiro visits, etc.  Give this book a read, and get back to living with intention.

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